Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Top Reasons for Making Money Online

So, why exactly do I make money online?

For the past few years, I have been self employed and quite frankly, it isn't going well. So, I started this blog to help me make a change.

This was a few months ago, and I've barely posted at this blog, and I am still in the same place.

So, I thought I'd take this opportunity to begin at the beginning.

Who am I?

My name is Mindy Cassko and I am a stay at home wife. We don't have children, yet. But we do have a cat.

Sure, my husband has an income - but life would certainly be a lit easier if I actually made more.

We're in Debt

You see, we're in debt. We owe about $20,000 in various places. To top that off, we aren't property owners and we don't have that much in savings.

It's pretty scary, especially with the economy the way it is. Time to turn things around, don't you think?

Programs I Use

I have decided that from this moment forward, I am not going to do anything that won't lead me to a solid, residual income.

At the same time, I don't have money to start a bunch of websites and blogs.

So the compromise I am making is to use these two sites:

I can do things like affiliate marketing with these sites as well as earn money from the advertising programs on each site. This includes Google, Amazon, and eBay.

And, since I really don't know what I am doing, I am just going to create as many pages on these sites as possible while I learn.

How am I doing so far?

Progress has been slow, but I plan on working really hard so I can reach my goals. I'll give you screenshots of my income so maybe you can get inspired. :)

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fast Track Cash - Making Money Online (Finally)

I've been busy these past few months focusing on my ghost writing business and building my client list. But, I have to say, not having any residual income at all is starting to wear me down. For example, a friend just asked me if I wanted to take a weekend trip with her and I nearly said no. What, so I could work? Ridiculous.

If I had residual income to begin with I wouldn't feel this way.

So, I just purchased a new product called Fast Track Cash by Ewan Chia - one of the "gurus" in internet marketing. I've spent the past few weeks buying one useless product after the other but after reading this one, I was able to come up with a doable plan to put into action.

Whether or not this plan that I created under Chia's guidance amounts to anything has yet to be determined.

But I did have some "Ah Ha" moments. Let me share what I mean:
  •  High Commission Programs. This makes so much sense! Find programs that have high affiliate commissions. I find that there are a lot of things on Clickbank to choose from and some of the more expensive items you can buy on Amazon, such as a flat screen tv.
  • Be consistent. Putting a program into action is a good thing. Rinsing and repeating is even better! Put one foot in front of the other so that you can have continued success.
  • Be patient. Though the goal is to make money as fast as possible, it is also important to be patient. Profits may not happen overnight even though that might be the goal.
It's hard to pin all my hopes on one program. But, Fast Track Cash was so easy to follow, I can't help but believe that all I need to do is follow the program and I will be rewarded with the kind of residual income that I want.


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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Working on My Writing Business - Update

I can't believe how ridiculous it is that I haven't really updated this blog. But, I have been thankfully busy! Here are some of the ways I have been making money with my freelance writing business.
I joined a writing team. I had the good fortune of finding a writing team to join. If you want to try to join one, google "writing team" or "join writing team" to see what you come up with. It helps increase income big time because you don't need to bid for jobs.

I place bids. I use but there are tons of other sites like and There's an art to bidding and unfortunately, I haven't quite cracked it - though I have won some bids here and there. Just keep bidding - you'll get gigs eventually!

Content writing sites. I have tried both Textbroker and The Content Authority and I like TCA the best. Textbroker is a little frustrating to navigate. I like this method better than having clients though. I just set a goal to write a certain number of articles and pretend it is a project for a client.

Basically those three things are what I have been focusing on. I can already tell, however, that doing this kind of writing is going to get old. I need residual income so that I don't have to rely on the work I do for clients.

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Starting My Freelance Writing Career

I have been thinking about starting my freelance writing career for some time and I have finally decided to take the plunge. In this blog, I will tell you all of the things that I am planning on doing in order to get my career in order.

Step One - Start This Blog

Blogging is a great way to begin writing and to learn the proper way of writing for the internet. I am kind of a beginner at everything, though I have some idea of the right way to do things. The goal of this website is to figure things out, and to learn how to make money while doing so.

Step Two - Start Writing Content

I have discovered a site called The Content Authority that hires writers. Once you get accepted into the system, you can log in, accept an article, and write it. You can only work on one article at a time but once it's finished, you can accept another. You can only hold the article for a few hours.

There are two other sites that I know of that are similar - Text Broker and eCopywriters. I tried Text Broker and the system is very cumbersome, so I just stick with The Content Authority. I haven't officially been accepted at eCopywriters so I don't know if it's any good.  

Step Three - Constant Content

If you log into Constant Content once you sign up, you'll notice the prices that others are posting their articles at. This site is great - you can actually make a good price per article. The key is to have a lot of content loaded in so you can have some money trickle in.

So, my current goal is to have 100 articles loaded into the system. The huge problem with this is that it has been really hard for me to have an article accepted. Humans review them and they are strict. Make sure you read the guidelines and take their advice with a grain of salt and apply it. Eventually you will get an article accepted.

So, this is my current "jump start plan" for starting my writing career. My goal is to make a good salary so that I can contribute to our household finances.

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