Saturday, June 18, 2011

Starting My Freelance Writing Career

I have been thinking about starting my freelance writing career for some time and I have finally decided to take the plunge. In this blog, I will tell you all of the things that I am planning on doing in order to get my career in order.

Step One - Start This Blog

Blogging is a great way to begin writing and to learn the proper way of writing for the internet. I am kind of a beginner at everything, though I have some idea of the right way to do things. The goal of this website is to figure things out, and to learn how to make money while doing so.

Step Two - Start Writing Content

I have discovered a site called The Content Authority that hires writers. Once you get accepted into the system, you can log in, accept an article, and write it. You can only work on one article at a time but once it's finished, you can accept another. You can only hold the article for a few hours.

There are two other sites that I know of that are similar - Text Broker and eCopywriters. I tried Text Broker and the system is very cumbersome, so I just stick with The Content Authority. I haven't officially been accepted at eCopywriters so I don't know if it's any good.  

Step Three - Constant Content

If you log into Constant Content once you sign up, you'll notice the prices that others are posting their articles at. This site is great - you can actually make a good price per article. The key is to have a lot of content loaded in so you can have some money trickle in.

So, my current goal is to have 100 articles loaded into the system. The huge problem with this is that it has been really hard for me to have an article accepted. Humans review them and they are strict. Make sure you read the guidelines and take their advice with a grain of salt and apply it. Eventually you will get an article accepted.

So, this is my current "jump start plan" for starting my writing career. My goal is to make a good salary so that I can contribute to our household finances.

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